Dell won’t turn on – laptop repair service in Adelaide

This week we have received this Dell N5050 laptop which refuses to turn on when power button is pressed.
Additionally, every time when the power supply is attached to the back of the laptop, it’s light goes off as it shorts.

We were hoping that it may be simple power jack issue, where the power jack shorts if it’s broken. We’ve seen such a cases and they are quite straight forward and let us to keep repair cost down.
Unfortunately, this one wasn’t the case. Quickly after disasembeling the laptop we have realised that actually motherboard itself is causing this short causing power adapter to cut-off the supply.

After stripping down the laptop and taking out the motherboard, we start measuring it. We drilled down to the bits of electronic universe to identify where on the board te short is.

By following motherboard’s schematic, and eliminating bunch of other components we realised that a capacitor was faulty. Located just next to the 5V power regulator, it’s main role was to smoothen out the voltage output.

We have replaced the component by using hot air station. And when assembed, laptop fired up straight away.

Please note: This is a showcase of our services, not a tutorial in any sense.
We wouldn't recommend following any of the steps of the video to repair your laptop by yourself!
These are sensitive electronics and can get damaged unavoidably!
Do you need Laptop Repair service in Adelaide?
If you have Laptop or Computer causing troubles and need computer repair service in Essex or South Australia, give us a call and we will advise for the best scenario to get your computer repaired.
We at IT-Solve, specialise in computer and electronics repairs and will do our best to repair your laptop quickly without involving high cost or long queue in repair shops.
Call us now on +61469317177 or drop us an enquiry through our contact form or – Our engineers will respond quickly to your enquiry.