Asus TP300L Laptop Power Jack Repair service

Laptop power jack repair is one of the common repairs we get with laptops. Thats being the case especially if they had history of being dropped or received impact in the power connector area.
Often we receive laptops which won’t charge caused by issues such as: physical impact on the charging port; fault with charging electronic or just a faulty charger.
This time we received this stunning Asus TP300L laptop. Equipped with powerful i5 processor and other extras as touchscreen display and being lightweight and mobile in size.
We noticed that power jack was bit loose when connected and we were dealing with laptop power jack repair issue.

After disassembling the laptop, we took out the motherboard, which is where the power jack is soldered.
Unsoldering the jack was easy task for us. We used our soldering station coming with tools for solder extraction from the old power jack. And for soldering the new one.
Please note: Soldering is a serious task! Until you are completely aware of consequences and damage possibilities of wrong handling, we advise to seek professional help for your laptop power jack repair!
Have a look at the video we have created for you to get an idea what steps we went through to achieve laptop power jack repair task on this Asus TP300L.

After removing the old power jack from this laptop which needs laptop power jack repair, we have fitted the new one and soldered if on its place.

Also we have noticed that laptop is very dusty inside and the old thermal compound paste was completely dry. After consultation with the customer he agreed for servicing and we serviced the laptop to ensure it will last many years more.

One more happy customer with laptop power jack repair, had her laptop back in no time!
Do you need Laptop Power Jack Repair service?
If you have computer or laptop causing troubles and need laptop repair service, give us a call and we will advise for the best scenario to get your laptop repaired.
We at IT-Solve specialise in computer and electronics repairs and will do our best to repair your laptop quickly without involving high cost and long queue in repair shops.
Call us now on +61469317177 or drop us an enquiry through the contact form or – Our engineers will respond quickly to your enquiry.